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Switzerland summed up in one word? Expensiveasfuck.

But hey—at least the cheese is good!

And the chocolate.

The only two items I found in Switzerland that were cheaper than their equivalents in the US…

Wanna guess?

I’ll give you 10 seconds.

Evian water, and Tobblerone chocolate.

For everything else, you can go blow yourself.

A hamburger for 22 dollars was on the “cheaper end” of things. I saw a sushi lunch special for 49 dollars.

The fuck!

Okay, so it’s expensive. What else?

It’s cold. As you would expect. It snowed while I was there. In April!

I was in two cities during my trip: Geneva and Lausanne.

Geneva is a fucking flaming turd of a city. Honestly the most boring place I’ve ever been in Europe.

Lausanne is nice. Quaint, smallish, more personable. I think people there are more friendly. I could communicate with people too, because even though French is their first language, unlike France, they also speak English really well. German too, especially up north near the German border (in Zurich, etc).

Switzerland is small, and it’s landlocked by a few countries, which makes it easy to escape if you get too bored. It’s also not in the EU, which means it doesn’t take the euro and that they are super extra-Nazi-ish about letting outsiders in. They asked me about how much money I had in the bank, and THEN made me show them all the money I was carrying. Dicks.

The scenery is absolutely breaktaking in some parts. Leaving the country and driving into Italy, I was treated to a view of the Alps, snow-glazed and all, and despite being about 2,000 meters up, I still couldn’t see the top of the mountains. They extended far beyond the clouds.

Giving a literal cold shoulder to the nation of France

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