The Latest from Thailand

Guess who saw a dead guy today?

[Points at self with two stiff rigor mortis fingers]


At 8 AM, nonetheless! Right inside the entrance of the Thai immigration building.

Old dude just laying there, surrounded by security guards who were doing a great job of making sure nobody stole the guy’s wallet while they waited for the medics to show up. The medics got there in their little blue anti-covid robes and hairnets, and tried furiously to revive the guy, but he was dunzo.

It was such a surreal thing to see that early in the morning. In fact, if it weren’t for the guy being incredibly old-looking, I would’ve said that that shit was staged. It was too perfect! Guy dies right there in the entrance, in front of all of these people coming in to extend their visas and shit. If you are the government and trying to hammer fear in the hearts of your local populace, you pull some shit like this.

But like I said, dude looked like he was on his way out anyways. Covid-caused or not.

Covid numbers in Thailand are going up, up, and more up. Every day hits a new records. Think it was like 20,000 new cases yesterday? My god.

Well, I know I said I was sticking it out until October, then deciding if I would stay in Thailand or not, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be here two months from now. There are no encouraging signs, the people running the country have mishandled everything, poverty is blowing up everywhere, and the heart and soul of Thailand–hedonism–is officially illegal now. So, uh, so long boys!

I still intend to make the most of my time here, but by god is that hard when options are so limited. Personal creative affairs that don’t depend on other people, like writing books and making videos–where does the inspiration come from when you’re locked indoors? Where?

Hope you’re all staying sane out there. Drop me a line.

And support Explicit Explorers!



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