Someone SAVE Me


That’s how I’d describe Chicago right now.



Smells like poopy!

I mean, that’s the standard for this place. But the ickiness is not; the ickiness has never been more perverse.


Because all of the bars are closed.


Because fucking corona has ended life as we know it.

Sure, lives have been lost, but the real death has happened to the way we socialize with each other.

And not just for people in this city; people in the entire continental US have been left reeling, screaming “Why? Why can’t we go to the Mexican restaurant for margaritas? Why must we stay locked up all day with our significant others, who quite frankly we’re more than a little sick of?”

At the behest of our elected dickheads, life has been seized, and live has been ceased.

I’ve been to several countries this year, and nowhere–nowhere–have I seen this type of phobia exerted as people do here.

I went on a walk the other day, and people were literally CROSSING THE STREET to avoid me. People wearing masks! Do they think that I’m going to sneeze in their mouth or something?

And I’ve been trying to figure it out, a pattern: the secret to corona. But the thing is, I’m just not that smart. I’ve come close to cracking the code, I think–but then some country comes along as an outlier and throws my theory into disarray.

It appears, in some form or another, that the countries doing the most, putting up the most active fights–lockdowns and shit–are doing the worst with cases and deaths; and that places where people at the top give no fucks seem to resemble more-so everyday life. Belarus exemplifies this, since their president denounced corona as a hoax back in March, and when I moved there a few weeks after that, they were doing well: few deaths, everything open, nobody wearing masks.

At present they have under 2000 deaths total.

But is that number right? Could it be right? Misreporting seems to be an ally of the corona.

In the US, there are numerous stories of the numbers being purposely inflated, by hospitals and such, to earn a bigger payout. One guy told me a story of a woman who registered to get tested, but stepped out of the monstrously-long line before she reached her turn. She received a letter in the mail a few days later saying she had the corona, despite no test being given.

So what the fuck is going on here? What’s the real objective?

In places like Mexico and Spain, the current mood feels very much like a police state. Authorities can search you with or without explanation. Corona is the perfect opportunity for the ones in power to lay siege to human rights… but is this the objective here? Or just an (un)happy accident?

Well guys, I really wish I knew, but the only thing I can say, with absolute certainty, is the ol’ US of A fucking sucks big time right now, and is probably one of the worst places to be globally. Hell, I’d rather be in India with somebody shitting curry into my open mouth than be here.

That’s fucking disgusting and I’m ashamed I said that.


It’s true!


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