Sippin on Gin and Jews

Are you ever like, “OWEE, I’m just bristling with words and I need to be milked of my alphabetic contents and write me a damn blog!”

No? Never happens? Okay uh…

It’s been an eventful ass past few weeks, and I’m gonna talk about it.

Explicit Explorers LIVES. Have you seen any of the new episodes? Would like to know whether you loved them, or just merely really really enjoyed them.

I explored two new places in the world: Egypt’s upstairs neighbors, the countries (states?) of Israel and Palestine.

I enjoyed being in the both of them so much that I delayed my trip to Jordan indefinitely.

My timing to Israel was fortuitous; I arrived in Tel Aviv on a Saturday; they would celebrate their nation’s independence day the following Wednesday. I had a tiny idea what to expect, because the Jews are absolutely mental when it comes to partying. In Tel Aviv, 2 AM is a good time to “start” going out and piling into the clubs.

The celebration was everything it portended to be. It went for 48 hours, perhaps longer, I can’t really be sure because I was shithoused the whole time. I met a ton of people during this time, including a bespectacled girl who would become my lover and shakshuka provider over the remainder of my trip.

Compare this with my visit to Palestine, which is a challenge just to make it there. You have to go to Jerusalem and then you take a variety of buses and trams to make it over the invisible, highly contentious border. But once you’re there? Man, beauty. The people are goddamn cool and it is bananas just casually visiting the church Jesus was born at and all the other holy sites in Bethlehem.

After this trip I returned to Egypt, and that’s where I’m residing currently, bidding my time until my next new African country, coming up… tomorrow! Any guesses as to where I’m going?


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