
Welcome to another blog; this time, it’s called “Morality.”

You’re probably like, Shit is gonna be serious here!

No–I just wanted to capture your attention.

…Although I did have a morality-questioning moment recently, in the great city of Medellin.

The morning after I got there, I woke up to the sight of a medic standing over me, with one of those diabetes needles prodding me in the finger.

Before I could say, “The fuck is this shit??” my roommate was all, “Dude, you had a seizure!”

A seizure. Heh. Well I’d be damned. It had been seven years since the last one. I thought I was done with ’em! There’s lots of people who have seizures and then they take pills for five years, stop, and they never have one again.

Well, I don’t know if there’s lots of people like that, but they certainly exist.

Anyways, sorry to start off with that boner of bad news–but what I wanted to get at was, in that moment, I was reminded of a dark truth:

I could die at any time.

Any time! If I’m doing something like driving, or swimming, or lifting weights, and a convulsion seizes my body, guess what! I’m dead motherfuckers. No coming back.

So that incident was the reminder that life is a gift. To all of us. Especially with this pandemic shit, we saw just how swift everything can go downhill. How other “gifts”–like being able to juke at the dance club, or not wear a mask everywhere–can be taken and not given back, for a long time. Or perhaps ever.

We don’t know if this shit will end? We don’t know if travel will be allowed to certain places, on the scale that it once was.

And with that little factoid in mind, how do you want to spend what could potentially be the end of your life?

In a cubicle? Scraping at straws to pay rent? To stay happy? To keep your job?

Listen, I know it’s not equally easy for everybody. I know some people have kids, or a mortgage. An “anchor.”

But that’s no excuse not to be happy, right now at this very moment.

Life is short as fuck, and it’s even shorter if you get trapped in a routine.

The best way to prolong one’s life is to constantly be creating memories.

Are you creating memories? Was last year different from this year? If no, I think you should question your path. Even if you cannot readily change–or maybe you don’t want to change–question yourself. Question your morality.

And if it all ended tomorrow, would you leave this world with regrets? Yes? Then now is the time to change that.

There’s no better time than the present!

Okay fuck, didn’t mean to get all motivational.

Have a good week. See you in the future.


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