Darby’s FACTS about Covid (By Darby)

Darby’s FACTS about Covid (By Darby)

Hello people!

I’ve been pretty mum on my thoughts about Covid. Not for lack of anything to say–quite the contrary. One article on my list below explains why.

I do have somewhat of a unique experience with Covid. I got Covid myself at the end of February 2020, one week after moving to Barcelona. I, and my roommate, were the first people I’d personally known to have been infected. We healed up pretty quickly, and then we waited. Three months later, once I realized that Spain wouldn’t be opening back up, I jet–flew to the other side of Europe to the last remaining country that hadn’t closed its doors (Belarus). And then I spent the rest of the year traveling to anywhere that would let me in.

Since then, I’ve been to more than 10 countries all over Europe, North America, Asia, and South America. So yeah, safe to say that I’ve seen some shit! Learned some things. And I’m here to share those things with you here today. Ready? Read on!

  1. Covid is not real. It is a hoax perpetrated by the Illuminati.

Okay, that one was a joke. Just to see if you’re paying attention. The real list begins now.

  1. Covid has a 99.97% survival rate. It kills .02% of the people that get it. A small, small number. Worth shutting the entire world down for two years? You be the judge. But how about the ones that were dying?
  2. 94% of people who died from Covid had 2 or more comorbidities. Wait–what the fuck is a “comorbidity”? I had to look up the definition, but turns out it’s just a fancy word for a “pre-existing condition”–remember when everyone was saying that? Diseases or things fucked up with the person before they got Covid. So it turns out, that nearly everyone dying from Covid died from a combination of Covid and whatever else was wrong with them. That could mean a condition like diabetes, lung or kidney disease, a smoker or drug addiction, and surely the biggest comorbidity of all…
  3. 74% of people that died from Covid were fat. I’m sorry… “obese.” They were obese-asses. Wait, that sounds weird–no, they were FAT-asses!
  4. You CAN get Covid twice. Yes, you can get Covid a second time. Just like you can get invited on stage at a Justin Bieber concert to perform choreographed dances with his group. It’s certainly possible! But it’s highly unlikely. A personal anecdote: In 2020 I traveled, a LOT. I bounced around between Europe and the Americas. And I talked to many, many people, only THREE of whom claimed that they’d had Covid twice. NONE of whom had been tested and confirmed to have had it twice. All of whom said it “wasn’t as bad the second time.” That it lasted two or three days, and not fourteen. Just like the normal-ass regular flu? Hold on, did we forget that we can still get the flu, and various other common maladies, and that it may not be Covid every time?
  5. The “natural vax” (contracting Covid) is 6-13x stronger than getting the needle. How can I be the most safe and protected from Covid? That’s right: by getting the damn thing.
  6. The American government knowingly infected black people with syphilis up until the 1970’s. For 40+ years, they conducted what would later become known as the Tuskegee Experiments. These poor people were duped and lied to. So my question to you, is… can you maybe see why people would be a tiny bit reserved about putting this vaccine into their bodies?
  7. Drug companies don’t make any money off the natural vaccination. Read it. Now read it again. Marinate on that a bit. Uh-huh. Keep marinating.
  8. China denies that Tienanmen Square ever happened. Know that famed photo of “tank guy,” the one you see plastered in many a college student dorm rooms? The guy holding a pair of briefcases obstructing the line of oncoming tanks before they would go on and murder thousands of protesting Chinese nationals? You know the pic, right? Yeah, well that was all staged. It never happened. According to China. Yup. Also, according to China, all of this pandemic started because “a guy ate a bat.” OK guys, got it!
  9. The media has lied about Covid. When I say “the media,” I mean the mainstream media. The big players. The ones that have advertising on all of their shows. That wouldn’t want to say anything negative about any of those advertisers, lest they lose out on their precious revenue. Hey, you know who has a LOT of money to be spending freely on advertising? Pharmaceutical companies! Sorry, that’s unrelated to my point. I won’t list all the BS that got spewed on a major TV network, but I’ll cite one example that epitomizes this nicely: Joe Rogan and the “horse dewormer” story. Calling a Nobel Price winning (human) medicine Ivermectin a medicine for livestock. That’s what the American network CNN did over, and over, and over.
  10. 1 in 4 Americans quit their jobs this year. So far. On the surface this may seem unrelated, but what it looks like to me is an awakening happening en masse. That people are realizing that they are worth more, that they don’t deserve to be treated like livestock, paid shit wages with little to no benefits. That coming into the office was never necessary in the first place, that they could’ve been doing this shit at home. That the job industry is fucked. Something like that.
  11. If you taunt Covid on social media, YOU DIE. That’s right people! Say something about Covid being fake, or not wanting to wear a mask, or wanting to be at a concert with your friends and YOUR LIFE IS OVER. I’ve seen it hundreds of times, and at this point it is a lock. Social media has become virtual obituaries for the people that doubted Covid. Be careful! It has ears–and it is listening!
  12. You can’t get Covid sitting down. That’s ridiculous Darby! You can get Covid anywhere! Oh, is that so?? So tell me–why are you required to wear a mask when you go into a restaurant, but you can take it off when you sit down to eat, RIGHT NEXT TO ANOTHER TABLE. That’s too many people in close proximity! Yeah, but they are sitting down. Covid doesn’t come at you when you sit down. If it did, that would mean restaurants are being highly incompetent and irresponsible, and we know restaurants would never do that. You can always trust em… especially McDonald’s!

That’s it for now! Let me know if you’ve got any facts of your own, and I’ll add them if there’s a sequel! And in the meanwhile: be safe! Listen to Dr. Fauci, and do whatever that guy says to do! Remember:

“Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science,”

(He said that, not me.)


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